Impatiently Waiting

As a blogger, you need to have some patience, you write your post, nurture it, reading it again and again, refining it until suddenly you realise that it’s ready, and you release it into the wild – a.k.a Social Media and the Internet.

Then comes the waiting, will people read it? will they like it? and of course will they comment?

“Hurry up and wait”

As a Learning & Development professional (i.e. IT Trainer), you have to cultivate patience, or at least the appearance.

You talk to people, and then have to wait to see if they want to move forward with you.

Sometimes you throw ideas, tips and training into the wild (of the company or client) and then have to wait for a response.

Get to the point

OK, OK, I’ll get to the point.

I mentioned to colleagues that I had written (and published) some blogs around Google Workspace.

Recently I was contacted asking to share my posts.


Happily I did and I offered to answer questions.

Now the hard part – I have to wait

and wait

(Although hopefully – not ‘and wait’).

I need to give them time –

A chance to have time to go to my posts.

To read the post(s).

To take in the content.

And then (fingers crossed) let me know if there are any questions or comments (or if there aren’t).

Patience is a Virtue

so true!

But it can be hard work to have patience.

(Anyone else singing Patience by Take That? nope, just me then.)

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